Monday, August 18, 2008


One of the most powerful film industries in the world is Bollywood and Bollywood introduce new era in the history of film making. Bollywood films depends on masala related contents or many spices like good story, songs, music, dance, romance and many other things, and this are the main characteristics of masala films. But main characteristics or main element of a masala film related with songs and dance of that film.

In today’s world Bollywood film industry is more powerful than Hollywood. Because Hollywood film is totally classical structure bas but in Bollywood films we see that their several plots of a story. There are lots of difference between Bollywood and Hollywood. Hollywood film can be actionable, horror, romantic, and fiction but in a masala film producer used this all types of the characteristics in one film. A masala film is full of dance and songs,example-"Asihiq banaya apne","devdas" but a Hollywood film there are no song and dance-"Transporter". Hollywood film is more expensive than masala film -"World war". Hollywood film based on a single story, a masala film can’t it-"Caste away". It’s full of love story, melodrama-"Kabhi kushi kabi gam". Masala film used many actresses than Hollywood. Glamour is important for masala film, Hollywood is not like that.

In a masala film the significance of songs is very different. There are several types of songs like title song, item song, romantic song, sad song, gajol, Panjabi song, club song, and these types of songs plays a very vital impact on bollywood masala a films. So it is very important for every filmmakers to know the main characteristics of masala film to create a entertain movie or film.


Thursday, July 24, 2008



“Knowledge is power, power is nothing without knowledge”- Michel Foucault. This message was expressed in the movie “Enemy of the state”.
What I saw in the movie, a congressman was killed by another congressman, but it was recorded by a hidden video camera, what are fitted by a natural analysts. It was seeing by NSA (National security agents) agents. They want to hijack the video. This video tape was sifted to lawyer Robert Clayton Dean before his death by a street accident. But dean didn’t known about this. The drama has been started. The NSA agent also knows about dean. They started their knowledge of technology as a power to trace all movements of dean. NSA agents had administration and law power. They knew how to apply the power, this knowing was their knowledge. Another way Dean had no knowledge, what was going on. I think they have superb power of technical, administration, and law, but they haven’t enough knowledge how to capture or control a single man. They can kill the dean, but why didn’t, I can’t understand. I think they have all of power, but shortage of knowledge. There is proved, Foucault theory. Power cannot be success without complete knowledge. In the movie, once a time dean meets with a former NSA communication analyst Edward Lyle a.k.a Brill, who was aware of all the NSA intelligence as he was one of them once. The dean and Bill then started mission of the power of knowledge against the NSA. They have knowledge of technology, not has power like the NSA. And they use this knowledge as power. At the last they ewon the war, by there power of knowledge.
The idea is reflected by the movie, knowledge and power both are depend on each other. And have to be a combination between knowledge and power for any types of success. What are said- Michel Foucault. Above all, it can say, with Foucault knowledge = power.
Refrence: Class text.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

urban myth


1. Girls, who have big feet, are considered unlucky.
2. If you kill a snake, you killed an enemy.
3. Don’t watch mirror at night, your lifetime will be loss.
4. If you dreamed, tooth fall down, don’t say to anybody. Then, you will be loosed any nearest relatives.
5. If crows crow in your house at night, it’s too much bad.

Saturday, June 28, 2008



This is an ancient sign which was being used to represent the German Nazi party but it has been used for over 3,000 years. Thousands years ago this symbol was used in China, India, Japan etc. Peoples of the world are divided about the meaning of this sign. It is taken as a sign of good luck by the people of eastern countries, especially Hindus and Buddhists. But this sign is being hated by the people of western countries as it was being used by German Nazi party up to Second World War. But swastika is differtiated by it’s direction by some people. According to their speech, the clockwise direction of it means hate and death, wherever the reveres direction means life and good luck.

In our Bangali culture swastika is used for special reason, the Hindus of our country use it when they open a new halkhata (new calculating book) in the fast of the New Year. Swastika is drawn on fast page of the halkhata as a gooluck.



Saturday, June 14, 2008

Preview of Wag the Dog


Let me start by saying that this was a very good movie. Now, much has been made of its classification as a 'comedy'. It may not be a laugh out loud type of film but it is witty, fun, and satirical. Wag the Dog was produced and directed by Barry Levinson. Hilary Henkin and David Mamet co-wrote the screenplay. The film is based on the novel American Hero by Larry Beinhart Levinson has made some great films in his career. "Wag the Dog" is one of his most charismatic and energetic. The movie was written by David Mamet and Hilary Hen ken. This movie was made in 1997, but it is so unbelievably relevant today that it almost makes you feel these producers could see the future.
This is how the story goes: The president of the United States is caught up in a sex scandal two weeks before the election .At this situation Winifred Ames (Anne Heche), one of the topmost official aided by the precedent, hired Conard Bream (Robert De Niro) to solve this problem as soon as possible. For that very reason he decided to produce a war. A war against terrorism in Albania. The need help,so they go to bigtime Hollywood producer Stanley (Dustin Hoffman). He has never won an Academy Awardwar.So they made a film, slogans, a song etc.
In the mean time a TV channel broadcast that there was no war in Albania. But ultimately president and Conard were successful to their target.
Now Conard asked the president not for money but for credit of his great job. But president did not give him credit rather his people sent Conard a long long away from this dramatic world..
As usual, there are various interpretations as to what it means. 1,that the dog symbolises public opinion, and that the tail represents the media; 2,that the dog is the media, and the tail is political campaigns. But the most opinion is that the dog is the people and that the tail is the government. In short, the expression “the tail wagging the dog” refers to any case where something of greater significance (such as a war) is driven by something less (such as a sex scandal).

Reference:Amazon,History guide,class text,self.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Art, literature, history, music, philosophy, and science of what was then still usually called the Renaissance. Renaissance means, time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.

He was Italian essayist, dramatist, historian, sketch writer, biographer, dialogist, writer of novellas, and poet. Nicola was born 3May of 1469, in Florence in Italy. Nicola Studied Latin under various tutors. He appointed to the second chancery of the republic, beginning in 1498; Ten of Liberty and Peace (government agency), chancellor and secretary; removed from office, jailed, and tortured by the Medici family when Spanish forces invaded Italy in 1512; appointed official historian of Florence, 1520.

He died of illness; June 21, 1527, in Florence in Italy.
Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke was one of the foremost political thinkers of 18th century. He was born in Dublin 12 January of 1729. His Vindication of Natural Society was published in 1756.From 1761 to 1783 he was back in Dublin as private secretary to the Marquis of Rockingham, at that time premier, and entered Parliament for the pocket borough of Wend over. In 1782, the best of Burke's writings and speeches belong to this period. An observation on the Present State of the Nation (1769) was a reply to George Grenville. Burke had vast knowledge of political affairs, a glowing imagination, passionate. Burke died July 9 in 1797, and was buried in a little church at Beaconsfield.

Doctrinaire means traditional and the term "radical" means its original signification and "ism" or creature that ought to be put out of the way by any.
A priori means that it exists in a given way independent of human perception of item short. A priori, that is, form these necessities of the mind or forms of thinking, which, though first revealed to us by experience, must yet have preexisted in order to make experience possible. --Coleridge. Applied to knowledge and conceptions assumed, in order to make experience rational or possible.

Reference: Oxford Dictionary, & self.