Saturday, June 28, 2008



This is an ancient sign which was being used to represent the German Nazi party but it has been used for over 3,000 years. Thousands years ago this symbol was used in China, India, Japan etc. Peoples of the world are divided about the meaning of this sign. It is taken as a sign of good luck by the people of eastern countries, especially Hindus and Buddhists. But this sign is being hated by the people of western countries as it was being used by German Nazi party up to Second World War. But swastika is differtiated by it’s direction by some people. According to their speech, the clockwise direction of it means hate and death, wherever the reveres direction means life and good luck.

In our Bangali culture swastika is used for special reason, the Hindus of our country use it when they open a new halkhata (new calculating book) in the fast of the New Year. Swastika is drawn on fast page of the halkhata as a gooluck.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an excellent post. I am very happy that you mentioned its use in Bangladeshi Hindu rituals.

You did not cite any sources, however. Surely you got your information and photos from somewhere?
